
12 San Benito CISD Campuses Earn Distinctions

Social Confidential

The San Benito Board Room was full of momentum and excitement as campus principals, staff and personnel gathered to celebrate and be recognized by the board for having earned 40 district-wide Distinctions by the Texas Education Agency (TEA). All campus principals and staff were individually recognized for continuing to raise the Gold Standard in Public Education and presented with the traditional heavyweight purple belt by Superintendent Dr. Carman and school board members. The following campuses earned Distinctions: Angela G. Leal Elementary (1), Rangerville Elementary (1), La Paloma Elementary (3), Dr. C.M. Cash Elementary (4), Sullivan Environmental Science Academy (4), Judge Oscar De La Fuente Elementary (5), La Encantada Elementary (5), Ed Downs Fine Arts Academy (6), Dr. Raul Garza, Jr. STEAM Academy (6), Riverside Middle School (2), Veterans Memorial Academy (2), and San Benito High School (1). “We are so proud of our campus principals, staff, students, parents, and most importantly our teachers, who made this possible,” said Dr. Carman.

Courtesy Social Confidential and Texas Border Business