McAllen Mayor Javier Villalobos Attends Nuevo Leon Governor’s Inauguration

Social Confidential
On October 3, 2021, McAllen Mayor Javier Villalobos traveled to the Mexican State of Nuevo Leon to attend the swearing-in ceremony for the new governor of the state, Samuel Garcia. The new governor has shown interest in international relations and has recently visited the Valley to meet and work with Mayor Villalobos.
Mayor Villalobos said that he is engaged with leaders of the government of Mexico because he understands the importance of international trade to our border region.
He plans to have bilateral meetings, which are essential in building and reinforcing relationships and creating cooperative projects spanning the two countries.
About his experience during his visit to Nuevo Leon, he said, “First of all, the people are amazing. For McAllen, it is important to open the channels by meeting with as many leaders as possible throughout the region.”
Mayor Villalobos told Texas Border Business that he did two important things, first was meeting with different mayors of the region, and second, by attending the swearing ceremony of the new governor, McAllen started a vital relationship with officials of the state of Nuevo Leon. “It is important for McAllen to establish a good relationship with the new governor who is just taking office.”
Mayor Villalobos said they had a welcoming reception by the governor, where he met senators, congressmen, and other governors of different states in Mexico. “And just like us, they’re also interested in a mutual relationship because it benefits both countries. If we continue nourishing our friendship and communication, we will do well, and they will too.”
You’ve met with the new governor several times; have you built a good relationship already?
“We’re establishing a relationship, and it’s more of a business relationship. Hopefully, we can establish even a closer relationship,” he said.
“I hope that people realize the importance of Mexico. They are our biggest trade partner in the United States, and a lot of that trade crosses our bridges, which means revenue for our us.”
Mayor Villalobos is planning to have bilateral meetings in the future with the main focus of increasing trade between the two countries. “Meetings like these open markets to successful industries. As companies benefit, they add jobs,” he finalized. Texas Border Business, Social Confidential By Roberto Hugo Gonzalez
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